•  Ram Ashram, Near Ram Jhula, Shivanand Nagar, Rishikesh, 249-192, Uttarakhand
  •  91- 135 - 243-2808
  • +91- 9837028290, 9837013390
  • agarwalgopal51@gmail.com

Clear Quatzs Bracelet

Clear quartz is a remarkable crystal with a multitude of healing and empowering properties. By wearing this crystal as jewelry, you can experience enhanced energy, mental clarity, spiritual growth, and protection.

- Amplification of Energy:

Clear quartz acts as an energetic amplifier, intensifying the power of other crystals, intentions, and energies. By wearing clear quartz, you create a harmonious synergy between the crystal's properties and your own energy, enabling you to experience heightened states of consciousness, clarity, and focus.

- Mental Clarity and Focus:
Clear quartz can assist in decluttering the mind, alleviating mental fog, and enhancing concentration. By wearing this crystal, you invite a sense of mental calmness, enabling you to make informed decisions and achieve your goals with greater precision.

- Protection and Cleansing:
By wearing clear quartzit as jewelry, you create a shield against negative energies and electromagnetic smog, promoting a sense of energetic balance and harmony. Additionally, clear quartz can cleanse and purify other crystals, amplifying their benefits.

- Manifestation and Empowerment:
Clear quartz is renowned for its ability to amplify intentions, affirmations, and goals. By wearing this crystal, you harness its manifestation properties, empowering your aspirations and aiding in their realization. Clear quartz serves as a constant reminder of your intentions, while its energy aligns with your desires and supports your journey toward success.